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This template determines what the shopping cart looks like.
- items
- A loop containing the variables of each item in the cart.
- configuredTitle
- The name of the item as configured for purchase.
- quantity
- The number of this item that is purchased.
- removeBox
- A checkbox that will allow this item to be removed from the cart.
- dateAdded
- The date and time this item was added to the cart.
- url
- The url to view this item as configured.
- quantityField
- The field where the user may specify the quantity of the item they wish to purchase.
- isUnique
- A condition indicating whether this item is unique and therefore can only have a quantity of 1.
- isShippable
- A condition indicating whether the item can have a shipping address attached to it.
- extendedPrice
- The result of price multipled by quantity.
- price
- The price of this item, formatted to two decimal places.
- itemAddressChooser
- A dropdown for choosing an address to ship an individual item in the cart to, enabling per-item shipping.
- shippingAddress
- The HTML formatted address to ship to.
- taxRate
- The tax rate for this item. This variable will only be populated if the current user is not Visitor.
- taxAmount
- The amount of tax for this item. This variable will only be populated if the current user is not Visitor.
- pricePlusTax
- The amount of tax plus the price for this item. This variable will only be populated if the current user is not Visitor.
- extendedPricePlusTax
- The amount of tax plus the price for this item, times the quantity of this item in the cart. This variable will only be populated if the current user is not Visitor.
- message
- If the cart is empty, this internationalized message should be displayed to the user.
- error
- If there are any problems the error message will be displayed here.
- formHeader
- The top of the form.
- formFooter
- The bottom of the form.
- updateButton
- Clicking this button will apply the changes you made to the cart and recalculate all the prices.
- continueShoppingButton
- Clicking this button will take the user back to the site.
- minimumCartAmount
- The minimum cart amount, from the settings, formatted to two decimal places.
- subtotalPrice
- The price of all the items in the cart.
- shippingAddressChooser
- A dropdown for choosing a default shipping address for all items in the cart. Also contains actions for editing and adding new addresses.
- billingAddressChooser
- A dropdown for choosing a default billing address.
- sameShippingAsBilling
- A checkbox to tell the cart that the user wants to use the same shipping address, as their billing address.
- shippingPrice
- Shipping price, formatted to two decimal places.
- tax
- The price of tax on all the items in the cart.
- userIsVisitor
- A boolean which will be true if the currrent user is Visitor
- shippableItemsInCart
- A boolean which will be true if any item in the cart requires shipping.
- hasShippingAddress
- A condition indicating whether the user has already specified a shipping address. Shipping address is always required in order to calculate taxes.
- shippingOptions
- A select list containing all the configured shipping options for this order.
- paymentOptions
- A select list containing all the configured payment options for this order.
- totalPrice
- The total checkout price of the cart as it stands currently.
- inShopCreditAvailable
- The amount of in-shop credit the user has.
- inShopCreditDeduction
- The amount of in-shop credit that has been applied to this order.
- isCashier
- A boolean which is true if the current user can be a cashier inside the Shop.
- posLookupForm
- A form where a cashier can lookup a user by email address.
- posUsername
- The name of the user making the POS transaction.
- posUserId
- The userId of the user making the POS transaction.
- loginFormHeader
- The start of the form to help a user log in. This variable will only be populated if the current user is Visitor.
- loginFormFooter
- The end of the form to help a user log in. This variable will only be populated if the current user is Visitor.
- loginFormUsername
- A text box for the user to enter in their name. This variable will only be populated if the current user is Visitor.
- loginFormPassword
- A text box for the user to enter in their password, obscured. This variable will only be populated if the current user is Visitor.
- loginFormButton
- A button to submit the login form. This variable will only be populated if the current user is Visitor.
- registerLink
- A link for a user to register an account on this site, if they do not already have one. This variable will only be populated if the current user is Visitor.
- billing_address1Field
- The field for the main address line.
- billing_address2Field
- The field for the secondary address line.
- billing_address3Field
- The field for the tertiary address line.
- billing_labelField
- A field to contain the address label like 'home' or 'work'.
- billing_nameField
- A field to contain the name of the person/company for this address.
- billing_cityField
- A field to contain the city for this address.
- billing_stateField
- A field to contain the state or province for this address.
- billing_countryField
- A field to contain the country for this address.
- billing_codeField
- A field to contain the zip code or postal code for this address.
- billing_phoneNumberField
- A field to contain the phone number for this address.
- billing_emailField
- A field to contain the email address for this address.
- shipping_address1Field
- The field for the main address line.
- shipping_address2Field
- The field for the secondary address line.
- shipping_address3Field
- The field for the tertiary address line.
- shipping_labelField
- A field to contain the address label like 'home' or 'work'.
- shipping_nameField
- A field to contain the name of the person/company for this address.
- shipping_cityField
- A field to contain the city for this address.
- shipping_stateField
- A field to contain the state or province for this address.
- shipping_countryField
- A field to contain the country for this address.
- shipping_codeField
- A field to contain the zip code or postal code for this address.
- shipping_phoneNumberField
- A field to contain the phone number for this address.
- shipping_emailField
- A field to contain the email address for this address.