Help: Collaboration Template Variables
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- displayLastReply
- A conditional that is true if the Collaboration System was configured to display the last reply. If this variable is true, then in the Collaboration Template, the lastReply.* variables will be enabled.
- user.canStartThread
- A conditional that is true if the current user can add Threads to this Collaboration Asset.
- user.canPost
- A conditional that is true if the current user can add posts to this Collaboration Asset.
- user.isModerator
- A conditional that is true if the current user is a moderator for this Asset.
- user.isVisitor
- A conditional that is true if the current user is a visitor.
- user.isSubscribed
- A conditional that is true if the current user is subscribed to this Collaboration Asset.
- add.url
- A URL for adding a new thread.
- rss.url
- A URL for downloading the RSS summary of this Asset.
- search.url
- A URL for accessing the search form for this Collaboration Asset.
- subscribe.url
- A URL for subscribing the current user to this Collaboration Asset. When new content is submitted to
the Collaboration Asset, the user will be notified.
- unsubscribe.url
- A URL for unsubscribing the current user from this Asset.
- karmaIsEnabled
- A boolean indicating whether the use of karma is enabled or not.
- sortby.karmaRank.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by the amount of karma users have transfered to the thread.
- sortby.title.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by title.
- sortby.username.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by username.
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by the date they were submitted.
- sortby.lastreply.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by the date they were last updated.
- sortby.views.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by the number of times each has been read.
- sortby.replies.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by the number of replies to the post.
- sortby.rating.url
- A URL for sorting and displaying the list of posts by their ratings.
- collaborationAssetId
- The assetId of this Collaboration System. Unlike the variable assetId, this one will not be overridden by the assetIds inside of Threads or Posts.
- add.label
- The word "Add".
- addlink.label
- The phrase "Add a link".
- addquestion.label
- The phrase "Add a question".
- answer.label
- The word "Answer".
- attachment.label
- The word "Attachment".
- by.label
- The word "By".
- body.label
- The word "Body".
- back.label
- The word "Back".
- compensation.label
- The word "Compensation".
- open.label
- The word "Open".
- captcha_label
- The word "Captcha".
- close.label
- The word "Close".
- closed.label
- The word "Closed".
- critical.label
- The word "Critical (mostly not working)".
- minor.label
- The word "Minor (annoying, but not harmful)".
- cosmetic.label
- The word "Cosmetic (misspelling, formatting problems)".
- fatal.label
- The word "Fatal (can't continue until this is resolved)".
- severity.label
- The word "Severity".
- date.label
- The word "Date".
- delete.label
- The word "Delete".
- description.label
- The word "Description".
- edit.label
- The word "Edit".
- image.label
- The word "Image".
- job.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Job Posting".
- job.title.label
- The phrase "Job Title".
- job.description.label
- The phrase "Job Description".
- job.requirements.label
- The phrase "Job Requirements".
- karmascale.label
- The phrase "Karma Scale".
- karmaRank.label
- The phrase "Karma Rank".
- keywords.label
- The word "Keywords".
- location.label
- The word "Location".
- layout.flat.label
- The word "Flat".
- link.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Link".
- lastReply.label
- The phrase "Last Reply".
- lock.label
- The word "Lock".
- layout.label
- The word "Layout".
- message.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Message".
- message.label
- The word "Message".
- next.label
- The word "Next".
- newWindow.label
- The phrase "Open in new window?".
- layout.nested.label
- The word "Nested".
- previous.label
- The word "Previous".
- post.label
- The word "Post".
- question.label
- The word "Question".
- question.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Question".
- rating.label
- The word "Rating".
- rate.label
- The word "Rate".
- reply.label
- The word "Reply".
- replies.label
- The word "Replies".
- readmore.label
- The phrase "Read More".
- responses.label
- The word "Responses".
- search.label
- The word "Search".
- subject.label
- The word "Subject".
- subscribe.label
- The word "Subscribe".
- submission.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Submission".
- stick.label
- The phrase "Make Sticky".
- status.label
- The word "Status".
- synopsis.label
- The word "Summary".
- thumbnail.label
- The word "Thumbnail".
- title.label
- The word "Title".
- transferkarma.label
- The phrase "Transfer Karma".
- unlock.label
- The word "Unlock".
- unstick.label
- The word "Unstick".
- unsubscribe.label
- The word "Unsubscribe".
- url.label
- The word "URL".
- user.label
- The word "User".
- views.label
- The word "Views".
- visitorName.label
- The phrase "Visitor Name".
- post_loop
- A list of posts for this Collateral Asset.
- id
- The AssetId of this Post.
- url
- The URL of this Post.
- rating_loop
- A loop that runs once for each point of rating that the Post has
- rating_loop.count
- The index variable for the rating_loop.
- content
- The formatted content of this Post.
- status
- The status of this Post.
- thumbnail
- If this Post has attachments, the URL for the thumbnail of the first image attachment.
- image.url
- If this Post has attachments, the URL for the first image attachment.
- dateSubmitted.human
- The date this Post was submitted, in a human readable format.
- dateUpdated.human
- The date this Post was last updated, in a human readable format.
- timeSubmitted.human
- The time this Post was submitted, in a human readable format.
- timeUpdated.human
- The time this Post was last updated, in a human readable format.
- userProfile.url
- The URL to the Profile of the User who submitted this Post.
- hideProfileUrl
- A conditional that is true if the poster is a visitor, or the current user is a visitor. In the first case, Visitor's profile is not visible to any user. In the second case, Visitor is not allowed to view any user's profile
- user.isVisitor
- A conditional that is true if the poster is a visitor.
- edit.url
- The URL to edit this Post.
- controls
- A set of editing icons to delete or re-order this Post.
- isSecond
- A conditional indicating that is true if this Post is the second in this Collaboration Asset.
- isThird
- A conditional indicating that is true if this Post is the third in this Collaboration Asset.
- isFourth
- A conditional indicating that is true if this Post is the fourth in this Collaboration Asset.
- isFifth
- A conditional indicating that is true if this Post is the fifth in this Collaboration Asset.
- user.isPoster
- A conditional indicating that is true if the current user submitted this Post.
- user.hasRead
- A conditional indicating whether a user has read this thread.
- avatar.url
- A URL to the avatar for the owner of the Post, if avatars are enabled and the
user has an avatar.
- lastReply.url
- The URL to the last reply to this Post.
- lastReply.title
- The title of the last reply.
- lastReply.user.isVisitor
- A conditional that is true if the poster of the last reply is a visitor.
- lastReply.hideProfileUrl
- A conditional that is true if the poster of the last reply is a visitor, or the current user is a visitor. In the first case, Visitor's profile is not visible to any user. In the second case, Visitor is not allowed to view any user's profile
- lastReply.username
- The name of user who submitted the last reply.
- lastReply.userProfile.url
- The URL to the Profile of the User who submitted this Post.
- lastReply.dateSubmitted.human
- The date the last reply was submitted, in a human readable format.
- lastReply.timeSubmitted.human
- The time the last reply was submitted, in a human readable format.
- pagination.firstPage
- A link to the first page in the paginator.
- pagination.firstPageUrl
- The url component of pagination.firstPage broken out.
- pagination.firstPageText
- The text component of pagination.firstPage broken out.
- pagination.isFirstPage
- A boolean indicating whether the current page is the first page.
- pagination.lastPage
- A link to the last page in the paginator.
- pagination.lastPageUrl
- The url component of pagination.lastPage broken out.
- pagination.lastPageText
- The text component of pagination.lastPage broken out.
- pagination.isLastPage
- A boolean indicating whether the current page is the last page.
- pagination.nextPage
- A link to the next page in the paginator relative to the current page.
- pagination.nextPageUrl
- The url component of pagination.nextPage broken out.
- pagination.nextPageText
- The text component of pagination.nextPage broken out.
- pagination.previousPage
- A link to the previous page in the paginator relative to the current page.
- pagination.previousPageUrl
- The url component of pagination.previousPage broken out.
- pagination.previousPageText
- The text component of pagination.previousPage broken out.
- pagination.pageNumber
- The current page number.
- pagination.pageCount
- The total number of pages.
- pagination.pageCount.isMultiple
- A boolean indicating whether there is more than one page.
- pagination.pageList
- A list of links to every page in the paginator.
- pagination.pageLoop
- Same as pagination.pageList except broken into individual elements.
- pagination.url
- The URL of a page in the page loop.
- pagination.text
- The number of a page in the page loop.
- pagination.range
- Displays the range of available pages, in a start - end format.
- pagination.activePage
- A boolean which will be true if the this page in the pageLoop is the currently viewed page.
- pagination.pageList.upTo20
- A list of links to the 20 nearest in the paginator relative to the current page. So if you're on page 60, you'll see links for 50-70.
- pagination.pageLoop.upTo20
- Same as pagination.pageList.upTo20 except broken into individual elements.
- pagination.url
- The URL of a page in the page loop.
- pagination.text
- The number of a page in the page loop.
- pagination.range
- Displays the range of available pages, in a start - end format.
- pagination.activePage
- A boolean which will be true if the this page in the pageLoop is the currently viewed page.
- pagination.pageList.upTo10
- A list of links to the 10 nearest in the paginator relative to the current page. So if you're on page 20, you'll see links for 15-25.
- pagination.pageLoop.upTo10
- Same as pagination.pageList.upTo10 except broken into individual elements.
- pagination.url
- The URL of a page in the page loop.
- pagination.text
- The number of a page in the page loop.
- pagination.range
- Displays the range of available pages, in a start - end format.
- pagination.activePage
- A boolean which will be true if the this page in the pageLoop is the currently viewed page.
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