Help: Print Badge Template
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- badgeTitle
- The title of the badge to be printed.
- badgeId
- The ID of the current user's badge.
- badgeNumber
- The number of this badge.
- badgeAssetId
- The Asset ID of this badge.
- emsAssetId
- The Asset ID of Event Management System containing the badge.
- userId
- The badge user's userId.
- name
- The badge user's name.
- address1
- Address line 1 of the badge user's address.
- address2
- Address line 2 of the badge user's address.
- address3
- Address line 3 of the badge user's address.
- city
- City
- state
- State
- zipcode
- The zipcode from the badge user's address.
- country
- Country
- phoneNumber
- The badge user's phone number.
- organization
- Organization
- email
- The badge user's email address.
- notes
- Notes
- purchaseComplete
- A conditional variable that is true if the purchase of the badge is completed.
- hasCheckedIn
- A conditional variable that is true if the user has checked in to the Event.
- transactionItemId
- The unique identifier for the transaction item for this badge, useful for internal tracking purposes.
- badgeMeta_
- Add a metadata value to the template by adding the name after "badgeMeta_". ex: badgeMeta_department
- webgui.version
- The version of WebGUI on your site.
- webgui.status
- The release status for this version of WebGUI (stable, beta, gamma, etc.)
- session.user.username
- The current user's username.
- session.user.firstDayOfWeek
- From the current user's profile, the day they selected to be the first day of the week.
- session.config.extrasurl
- From the WebGUI config, the URL for the extras directory.
- session.var.adminOn
- This variable will be true if the user is in Admin mode.
- session.setting.companyName
- From the WebGUI settings, the company name.
- session.setting.anonymousRegistration
- From the WebGUI settings, whether or not anonymous registration has been enabled.
- session form variables
- Session Form Variables
Any form variables will be available in the template with this syntax:
<tmpl_var session.form.variable>
If there is more than 1 value in a form variable, only the last will be returned.
- session scratch variables
- Session Scratch Variables
Any scratch variables will be available in the template with this syntax:
<tmpl_var session.scratch.variable>
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