Help: Event, Add/Edit Screen Template Variables
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- formHeader
- HTML and Javascript for the start of the Add/Edit Event form.
- formFooter
- HTML for the end of the Add/Edit Event form.
- formTitle
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event Title.
- formMenuTitle
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event Menu Title.
- formSynopsis
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event Synopsis.
- formLocation
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event Location.
- formDescription
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event Description.
- formGroupToView
- HTML form for picking which group can view this Event.
- formAttachments
- HTML form for adding or removing files from this Event.
- formStartDate
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event's start date.
- formStartTime
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event's start time.
- formEndDate
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event's end date.
- formEndTime
- HTML form for entering or editing the Event's end time.
- formTime
- An HTML form for manipulating the Event's start time and end times. It has presets for all day long, no specific time, or a specific starting and ending time.
- formUserDefinedN
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a single line of text.
- formUserDefinedN_yesNo
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a yes/no field.
- formUserDefinedN_textarea
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a text area.
- formUserDefinedN_htmlarea
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a WYSIWIG HTML area.
- formUserDefinedN_float
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a float.
- formRelatedLinks
- An HTML text form for entering in URLs for websites with more information about this Event. Individual links should be added one per line.
- formRecurPattern
- HTML and Javascript for a form that defines how an event recurs.
- formRecurStart
- HTML Date form for entering the first date an event recurs.
- formRecurEnd
- HTML Date form for entering when a recurring event ends, if ever.
- formSave
- HTML code for a button to save the Event data.
- formCancel
- HTML for a button to cancel adding or editing an event.
- formErrors
- This loop contains any errors from processing the Event form data.
- message
- An error message.
- description
- The description of this Event.
- startDate
- The date this Event starts.
- startTime
- The date this Event starts.
- endDate
- The date this Event ends.
- endTime
- The date this Event ends.
- recurId
- A unique identifier for this Event's recurrance in the db.
- relatedLinks assetVar
- The original, unprocessed, related links from the form. This will be all links in one string joined by newlines.
- location
- Location
- feedId
- The unique identifier for an iCal feed.
- feedUid
- The location of this Event.
- feedId
- The unique identifier for an iCal feed.
- UserDefinedN
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, the value of that field.
- assetId
- The unique identifier for this Asset, in base64 encoding.
- assetIdHex
- The unique identifier for this Asset, in hexadecimal format.
- title
- The title of the Asset
- menuTitle
- The title of the Asset used in Navigations.
- url
- The Asset's URL.
- isHidden
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set not be displayed in Navigations.
- newWindow
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set open in a new browser window.
- encryptPage
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set to be served over SSL.
- ownerUserId
- The ID of the user who owns this Asset.
- groupIdView
- The ID of the group that is allowed to view this Asset.
- groupIdEdit
- The ID of the group that is allowed to edit this Asset.
- synopsis
- A short description of the contents of the Asset.
- extraHeadTags
- Extra tags that will be added to the header of the page containing the Asset. These will be included by default so you do not need to add them youself, unless you want them to be in there twice.
- isPackage
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set to be a Package.
- isPrototype
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set to be a prototype.
- status
- With respect to version control, the status of this Asset. Typically these are the English strings "approved", "pending", "committed".
- assetSize
- How big this asset is in bytes. The sum of all database fields and attachments.
- keywords
- This will be a string with the keywords for this asset. Individual keywords will be joined with spaces, unless the keyword contains spaces, in which case it will be quoted.
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