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These variables are available in Navigation Templates:
currentPage refers to the page that the user is currently looking at. page refers to any
given page inside of the page_loop
When referring to a page every Asset property is available. Only the most useful
ones are listed below.
- currentPage.menuTitle
- The menu title of the current page.
- currentPage.assetId
- The assetId of the current page.
- currentPage.parentId
- The assetId of the parent of the current page.
- currentPage.ownerUserId
- The userId of the owner of the current page.
- currentPage.synopsis
- The summary, or synopsis, of the current page.
- currentPage.newWindow
- A conditional indicating whether the current page should be opened in a new window.
- currentPage.menuTitle
- The menu title of the current page.
- currentPage.title
- The title of the current page.
- currentPage.isHome
- A conditional indicating whether the current page is the default page for the site.
- currentPage.url
- The URL of the current page.
- currentPage.rank
- The position of the current page compared to its siblings.
- currentPage.hasChild
- A conditional indicating whether the current page has daughters.
- currentPage.hasSibling
- A conditional indicating whether the current page has siblings.
- currentPage.hasViewableSiblings
- A conditional indicating whether the current page has siblings that are viewable by the current user.
- currentPage.hasViewableChildren
- A conditional indicating whether the current page has children that are viewable by the current user.
- page_loop
- A loop containing pages in nested, hierarchical order. Every property of each asset is available, with the name page.propertyName, where propertyName should be replaced with the name of the property you want to use, like className, or assetSize. A handfull of them are listed below. Please consult the template variables for each Asset type for a full list.
- page.assetId
- The assetId of this page.
- page.parentId
- The assetId of the parent of this page.
- page.ownerUserId
- The userId of the owner of this page.
- page.synopsis
- The summary, or synopsis, of this page.
- page.newWindow
- A conditional indicating whether this page should be opened in a new window.
- page.menuTitle
- The menu title of this page.
- page.title
- The title of this page.
- page.rank
- The rank of this page compared with is siblings.
- page.absDepth
- The absolute depth of this page (relative to nameless root).
- page.relDepth
- The relative depth of this page (relative to starting point).
- page.isSystem
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a system page (Trash, Clipboard, etc).
- page.isHidden
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a hidden page.
- page.isContainer
- A conditional indicating whether this page a container asset. Container assets are those assets which contain other assets, like Pages, Folders and Dashboards.
- page.isUtility
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a utility asset. Utility assets are assets that typically may not be viewed directly, like Images, Files, Templates and RichEditors.
- page.isViewable
- A conditional indicating whether the user has permission to view it.
- page.url
- The complete URL to this page.
- page.indent
- A variable containing the indent for the current page. The default indent is three spaces. Use the page.indent_loop if you need a more flexible indent.
- page.indent_loop
- A loop that runs page.relDepth times.
- indent
- A number representing the loop count.
- page.isBranchRoot
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a root page.
- page.isTopOfBranch
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a top page (daughter of root).
- page.isChild
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a daughter of the current page.
- page.isParent
- A conditional indicating whether this page is the mother of the current page.
- page.isCurrent
- A conditional indicating whether this page is the current page.
- page.isDescendant
- A conditional indicating whether this page is a descendant of the current page.
- page.isAncestor
- A conditional indicating whether this page is an ancestor of the current page.
- page.inBranchRoot
- This conditional is true if this page is a descendant of the root page of the current page.
- page.isSibling
- A conditional indicating whether this page is the sister of the current page.
- page.inBranch
- A conditional that is the logical OR of isAncestor, isSibling, isBasepage and isDescendant.
- page.hasChild
- A conditional indicating whether this page has a daughter. In other words, it evaluates to true if this page is a mother.
- page.hasViewableChildren
- A conditional indicating whether this page has a viewable child.
- page.depthIsN
- A conditional indicating whether the depth of this page is N. This variable is useful if you want to style a certain level.
<tmpl_if page.depthIs1>
<img src="level1.gif">
<img src="defaultBullet.gif">
- page.relativeDepthIsN
- A conditional indicating whether the depth of this page is N, relative to the starting page.
- page.depthDiff
- The difference in depth between the previous page and this page, previous.absDepth - page.absDepth, although previous.absDepth is not a template variable. For the very first page (which has no previous page), this is set to 0.
- page.depthDiffIsN
- True if the page.depthDiff variable is N. N can be positive or negative.
- page.depthDiff_loop
- A loop that runs page.depthDiff times, if page.depthDiff > 0. This loop contains no loop variables.
- page.isRankedFirst
- This property is true if this page is the first within this level(ie. has no left sister).
- page.isRankedLast
- This property is true if this page is the last within this level(ie. has no right sister).
- page.parent.menuTitle
- The menu title of the mother of this page.
- page.parent.title
- The title of the mother of this page.
- page.parent.url
- The urlized title of the mother of this page.
- page.parent.assetId
- The assetId of the mother of this page.
- page.parent.parentId
- The assetId of the grandmother of this page.
- page.parent.ownerUserId
- The userId of the owner of the mother of this page.
- page.parent.synopsis
- The summary, or synopsis, of the mother of this page.
- page.parent.newWindow
- A conditional indicating whether the mother of this page should be opened in a new window.
- page.parent.rank
- The rank of the mother of this page.
- templateId
- The ID of the template used to display this Navigation
- mimeType variable
- The MIME type of the page containing the Navigation.
- assetsToInclude
- A newline separated string containing the kids of assets to include in the Navigation, by relationship. Ancestors, the asset itself, siblings, descendants and/or pedigree.
- startType
- A string that describes how the Navigation will be told to start finding Assets to display, "specificUrl", "relateiveToCurrentUrl", "relativeToRoot"
- startPoint
- Depending on startType, this is specifies at which page the Navigation will begin listing Assets.
- ancestorEndPoint
- Depending on the startType, how many levels up to begin listing Assets in the Navigation.
- descendantEndPoint
- Depending on the startType, how many levels down to go before stopping the list of Assets for the Navigation.
- showSystemPages
- Whether or not the Navigation has been configured to display system pages, like the Trash.
- showHiddenPages
- Whether or not the Navigation has been configured to display Assets that are set to be hidden from Navigations.
- showUnprivilegedPages
- Whether or not the Navigation has been configured to display Assets that the current user is not allowed to see.
- reversePageLoop
- Whether or not the Navigation has been configured to display Assets depth first, instead of top to bottom.
- displayTitle
- A conditional variable for whether or not the title should be displayed.
- description
- The description of this wobject.
- styleTemplateId
- The assetId of the template for displaying the Asset.
- printableStyleTemplateId
- The assetId of the template for displaying the Asset for printing.
- assetId
- The unique identifier for this Asset, in base64 encoding.
- assetIdHex
- The unique identifier for this Asset, in hexadecimal format.
- title
- The title of the Asset
- menuTitle
- The title of the Asset used in Navigations.
- url
- The Asset's URL.
- isHidden
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set not be displayed in Navigations.
- newWindow
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set open in a new browser window.
- encryptPage
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set to be served over SSL.
- ownerUserId
- The ID of the user who owns this Asset.
- groupIdView
- The ID of the group that is allowed to view this Asset.
- groupIdEdit
- The ID of the group that is allowed to edit this Asset.
- synopsis
- A short description of the contents of the Asset.
- extraHeadTags
- Extra tags that will be added to the header of the page containing the Asset. These will be included by default so you do not need to add them youself, unless you want them to be in there twice.
- isPackage
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set to be a Package.
- isPrototype
- A boolean that will be true if this Asset is set to be a prototype.
- status
- With respect to version control, the status of this Asset. Typically these are the English strings "approved", "pending", "committed".
- assetSize
- How big this asset is in bytes. The sum of all database fields and attachments.
- keywords
- This will be a string with the keywords for this asset. Individual keywords will be joined with spaces, unless the keyword contains spaces, in which case it will be quoted.