Help: Post Add/Edit Template
For more help, visit the WebGUI Community Wiki.
- form.header
- Code required to start the form for the Post.
- isNewPost
- A conditional that is true if the user is adding a new Post, as opposed to
editing an existing Post.
- isReply
- A conditional that is true if the user is replying to an existing Post.
- reply.title
- The title of the Post that is being replied to.
- reply.synopsis
- The synopsis of the Post that is being replied to. If no synopsis has been set, then it will try to grab text from the description, up to the ^-; marker. If no marker is found, then it takes everything up to the first newline in the description
- reply.content
- The content of the Post that is being replied to.
- reply.userDefinedN
- The contents of user defined fields for the Post that is being replied to, where N is from 1 to 5.
- isSubscribedToCs
- A boolean which will be true if the current user is subscribed to the CS containing this Post.
- subscribe.form
- A yes/no button to allow the user to subscribe to the thread this post belongs to.
- isNewThread
- A conditional that is true if the user is adding a new thread.
- archive.form
- A yes/no button to archive the thread when you submit this reply. This is only available to moderators.
- sticky.form
- A yes/no button to set the thread to be sticky, so that it stays at the top of the forum listing.
- keywords.form
- A text input box to enter keywords.
- lock.form
- A yes/no button to lock the thread, so that no posts can be added or edited.
- isThread
- A conditional that is true if the user is editing the main post for a thread, as opposed to
a reply in the thread.
- isEdit
- A conditional that is true if the user is editing an existing post.
- preview.title
- The web safe title for previewing a post.
- preview.synopsis
- The synopsis when previewing a post. If no synopsis has been set, then it will try to grab text from the description, up to the ^-; marker. If no marker is found, then it takes everything up to the first newline in the description
- preview.content
- The content when previewing a post.
- preview.userDefinedN
- The contents of user defined fields for the Post without WebGUI Macros being processed, where N is from 1 to 5.
- form.footer
- Code for the end of the form.
- usePreview
- A conditional indicating that posts to the thread will be previewed before being submitted.
- user.isModerator
- A conditional indicating if the current user is a moderator.
- user.isVisitor
- A conditional indicating if the current user is a visitor.
- visitorName.form
- A form where the user can enter their name, even if they are a visitor.
- userDefinedN.form
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a single line of text.
- userDefinedN.form.yesNo
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a a yes/no field.
- userDefinedN.form.textarea
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a text area.
- userDefinedN.form.htmlarea
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a WYSIWIG HTML area.
- userDefinedN.form.float
- For each of the 5 User Defined fields, a form widget for a float.
- title.form
- A 1-line text form field to enter or edit the title, stripped of all HTML and macros disabled.
Use this OR title.form.textarea.
- title.form.textarea
- A text area field to enter or edit the title, stripped of all HTML and macros disabled.
Use this OR title.form.
- synopsis.form
- A form field to enter or edit the synopsis.
- content.form
- A field to enter or edit the content, with all macros disabled. If the discussion
board allows rich content, then this will be a WYSIWIG HTML area. Otherwise it
will be a plain text area.
- skipNotification.form
- A field to that allows a user with the correct editing privileges to skip email notification
- form.submit
- A button to submit the post.
- form.cancel
- A button to cancel the post.
- karmaScale.form
- A form element that allows moderators to set the scale of an individual thread. This is only available for threads.
- karmaIsEnabled
- A conditional that is true if karma has been enabled in the WebGUI settings in the Admin Console for this site.
- meta_loop
- A loop containing metadata lables and fields for this Post. If metadata is not enabled for the site, or if metadata is not enabled for this CS, or if there's no metadata defined for the site, the loop will be empty.
- name
- The label for this metadata field. Metadata labels are not internationalized.
- field
- The form for this metadata field.
- meta_X_form
- The form for a particular metadata field, picked by name. X is the name of the metadata field, where any spaces in the name have been changed into underscores.
- form.preview
- A button to preview the post.
- attachment.form
- Code to allow an attachment to be added to the post.
- contentType.form
- A form field that will describe how the content of the post is formatted, HTML, text, code or mixed.
Defaults to mixed.
- add.label
- The word "Add".
- addlink.label
- The phrase "Add a link".
- addquestion.label
- The phrase "Add a question".
- answer.label
- The word "Answer".
- attachment.label
- The word "Attachment".
- by.label
- The word "By".
- body.label
- The word "Body".
- back.label
- The word "Back".
- compensation.label
- The word "Compensation".
- open.label
- The word "Open".
- captcha_label
- The word "Captcha".
- close.label
- The word "Close".
- closed.label
- The word "Closed".
- critical.label
- The word "Critical (mostly not working)".
- minor.label
- The word "Minor (annoying, but not harmful)".
- cosmetic.label
- The word "Cosmetic (misspelling, formatting problems)".
- fatal.label
- The word "Fatal (can't continue until this is resolved)".
- severity.label
- The word "Severity".
- date.label
- The word "Date".
- delete.label
- The word "Delete".
- description.label
- The word "Description".
- edit.label
- The word "Edit".
- image.label
- The word "Image".
- job.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Job Posting".
- job.title.label
- The phrase "Job Title".
- job.description.label
- The phrase "Job Description".
- job.requirements.label
- The phrase "Job Requirements".
- karmascale.label
- The phrase "Karma Scale".
- karmaRank.label
- The phrase "Karma Rank".
- keywords.label
- The word "Keywords".
- location.label
- The word "Location".
- layout.flat.label
- The word "Flat".
- link.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Link".
- lastReply.label
- The phrase "Last Reply".
- lock.label
- The word "Lock".
- layout.label
- The word "Layout".
- message.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Message".
- message.label
- The word "Message".
- next.label
- The word "Next".
- newWindow.label
- The phrase "Open in new window?".
- layout.nested.label
- The word "Nested".
- previous.label
- The word "Previous".
- post.label
- The word "Post".
- question.label
- The word "Question".
- question.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Question".
- rating.label
- The word "Rating".
- rate.label
- The word "Rate".
- reply.label
- The word "Reply".
- replies.label
- The word "Replies".
- readmore.label
- The phrase "Read More".
- responses.label
- The word "Responses".
- search.label
- The word "Search".
- subject.label
- The word "Subject".
- subscribe.label
- The word "Subscribe".
- submission.header.label
- The phrase "Edit Submission".
- stick.label
- The phrase "Make Sticky".
- status.label
- The word "Status".
- synopsis.label
- The word "Summary".
- thumbnail.label
- The word "Thumbnail".
- title.label
- The word "Title".
- transferkarma.label
- The phrase "Transfer Karma".
- unlock.label
- The word "Unlock".
- unstick.label
- The word "Unstick".
- unsubscribe.label
- The word "Unsubscribe".
- url.label
- The word "URL".
- user.label
- The word "User".
- views.label
- The word "Views".
- visitorName.label
- The phrase "Visitor Name".
- webgui.version
- The version of WebGUI on your site.
- webgui.status
- The release status for this version of WebGUI (stable, beta, gamma, etc.)
- session.user.username
- The current user's username.
- session.user.firstDayOfWeek
- From the current user's profile, the day they selected to be the first day of the week.
- session.config.extrasurl
- From the WebGUI config, the URL for the extras directory.
- session.var.adminOn
- This variable will be true if the user is in Admin mode.
- session.setting.companyName
- From the WebGUI settings, the company name.
- session.setting.anonymousRegistration
- From the WebGUI settings, whether or not anonymous registration has been enabled.
- session form variables
- Session Form Variables
Any form variables will be available in the template with this syntax:
<tmpl_var session.form.variable>
If there is more than 1 value in a form variable, only the last will be returned.
- session scratch variables
- Session Scratch Variables
Any scratch variables will be available in the template with this syntax:
<tmpl_var session.scratch.variable>
- storageId
- The Asset ID of the storage node for the Post, where the attachments are kept.
- threadId
- The ID of the thread that contains this Post.
- dateSubmitted
- The date the Post was submitted, in epoch format.
- dateUpdated
- The date the Post was last updated, in epoch format.
- username
- The name of the user who last updated or submitted the Post.
- rating
- Another name for rating.value
- views
- The number of times that this post has been viewed.
- contentType
- The type of content in the post, typically "code", "text", "HTML", "mixed".
- content
- The content, or body, of the Post.
- title
- The title of the Post.
- menuTitle
- The menu title of the Post, often used in navigation.
- synopsis
- The synopsis of the Post. If no synopsis has been set, then it will try to grab text from the description, up to the ^-; marker. If no marker is found, then it takes everything up to the first newline in the description
- extraHeadTags
- Extra tags that the user requested by added to the HTML header.
- groupIdEdit
- The ID of the group with permission to edit this Post.
- groupIdView
- The ID of the group with permission to view this Post.
- ownerUserId
- An alias for userId.
- assetSize
- The formatted size of this Post.
- isPackage
- A conditional indicating whether this Post is a package.
- isPrototype
- A conditional indicating whether this Post is a Content Prototype.
- isHidden
- A conditional indicating whether this Post should be hidden from navigation.
- newWindow
- A conditional indicating whether this Post should be opened in a new window.
- userDefined1
- The value contained in the first user defined variable.
- userDefined2
- The value contained in the second user defined variable.
- userDefined3
- The value contained in the third user defined variable.
- userDefined4
- The value contained in the fourth user defined variable.
- userDefined5
- The value contained in the fifth user defined variable.
Admin Console